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5 Global Technology Trends in the Food and Beverage Industry That You Should Know About

Technology Trends

Every sector is undergoing a transformation through technology and the food and beverage industry is no exception! Staying up-to-date with the latest technology trends and finding ways to implement innovations ahead of the competition is the key to driving success and growing your business.

In this blog, we’ll discuss five global technology trends that are shaping the F&B industry and explain why these trends are crucial for your business.

From Global to Local: Why These Global Trends Matter for Your F&B Business

Innovation is not confined to any single region on the planet, and it has a global impact. For F&B businesses in the age of the internet and cloud technology, they don’t have to be constrained by local competitors for inspiration but instead can take the best from global developments and bring them to life in their own area.

By integrating new technologies with better ways for serving your customers, you can stack up a range of benefits in your business’s favour: efficiencies, customer loyalty, scalability, profitability, and more avenues for creating value and revenue.

So, without further ado, here are five key trends to know and look out for as you continue growing and evolving your food and beverage business.

Five Technology Trends In The Food and Beverage Industry

1. Automation and Robotics

Automation and robotics on the frontlines of the F&B industry are taking off slowly and steadily. There are now robotic servers in restaurants, hardware that can automatically prepare food, and robotic arms that can handle simpler back-end tasks like sorting and packaging inventories.

These examples are to give inspiration and a picture of what is to come, but realistically, much of this technology will not mature within the next 10 years. So, what can you do in the meantime?

Depending on the size of your business, its resources, and maturity, you can start to look into how different frontline and office-based processes can be automated in your business. This could look like simple things like self-service kiosks to automate order-taking or inventory management systems to automate and simplify your stock. You can also deploy scanning systems which can automatically flag expired goods for you.

It’s also possible to deploy video analytics tools in your kitchen environment to not only ensure health and safety standards are being met (i.e detecting if an apron is not being worn by an employee) but also improve the efficiency of food production too on the kitchen floor (i.e finding bottlenecks or finding sub-optimal kitchen layouts).

Turning more towards office-based processes, you can use roster software to automate rostering for your staff and scheduling their work days, or use a CRM or social media management software to automate and streamline aspects of your marketing. There are many ways to drive efficiency through automation.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things simply refers to devices and systems that can connect with each other over an internet connection. This means, for example, that a piece of hardware like a sensor can feed its data into software, and the other way around, data and commands can be fed into a device to coordinate how it behaves. In other words, the amazing thing about IoT is that it enables physical and digital technology to talk to each other in real-time.

A lot of work in the F&B industry is of a physical nature and IoT is set to transform the industry over the next couple of decades. Some use cases for IoT devices are smart, app-connected sensors for efficient property management. Restaurants can also automate stock management processes using connected sensors and smart shelves and receive alerts when supplies run low. This enables proactive procurement, minimizes stockouts, and reduces food wastage.

Many innovations in the IoT space are within the reach of a range of food and beverage businesses; could yours transform how it works using IoT systems?

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

The next generation of IT is gradually disrupting the F&B industry as well, and through a range of cloud-based software, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, even smaller businesses in the industry are accessing this technology. So, what can it do?

The latest generation of AI is able to do many things. In inventory management solutions, it’s being used to dynamically forecast the supply and demand for stock; in back-office processes, tools like Microsoft CoPilot and ChatGPT are enabling teams to get more done more quickly.

Based on orders across your menus, AI can also recommend dishes to customers in an app for example, and operationally, these tools can also count how many unsold items there are and push them through recommendations to help prevent waste. And in robotics, the robots we discussed earlier are being trained to understand how to do things like prepare and serve food safely and effectively.

If you’re curious to see what AI could do for your business, you may want to talk technology with our team here at Think Tribe. Whatever your goals and needs are, we’ll be glad to help you connect them with the right technology solutions. 

4. Cloud Kitchens

Cloud kitchens, also known as ghost kitchens or virtual kitchens, are a growing trend that allows restaurants to prepare food for delivery without a traditional dine-in space. This model is significantly reducing the overhead costs associated with running a physical restaurant while meeting the increasing demand for food delivery services.

Cloud kitchens are also better placed to quickly adapt to market trends and customer preferences, offering a flexible and scalable solution for F&B businesses. To get started, businesses can partner with existing cloud kitchen platforms or set up their own dedicated space for delivery-only operations. And most importantly, they claw back the margins that the brand was losing to the food aggregators!

5. Mobile Ordering and Payment Systems

Mobile ordering and payment systems have become essential in the F&B industry, especially with the rise of contactless transactions. These systems streamline the ordering process, reduce wait times, and enhance the overall customer experience. Mobile apps allow customers to browse menus, place orders, and make payments from their smartphones, providing convenience and improving service efficiency.

F&B businesses can start by adopting popular mobile payment solutions and even developing their own branded mobile apps to offer seamless ordering and payment experiences. An in-house app can take away the costs of using popular food ordering platforms. This trend not only meets customer expectations but also increases order accuracy and boosts sales.

Why It’s Important to Innovate as an F&B Business

Innovation is vital for staying competitive in the F&B industry and will only become more vital over time. You don’t need to be an expert on the technology itself, but you do need to keep your finger on the pulse of it, how it’s being used, and where you can implement it.

Many competitors will be slow to adopt newer technologies, and this provides an opportunity for your business to stand out. By leaning into these trends, working with skilled consultants, and taking the steps to implement better technology more broadly, you’ll be much better placed to delight your customers and beat your competitors.

In a rapidly evolving market, those who innovate will thrive, while those who resist change risk being left behind.

Final Thoughts

The F&B industry is at a crossroads where technology can drive significant improvements in efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Some businesses will be slower than others in this journey; others will be faster. The most important thing? Getting it right! Sometimes the turtle beats the hare for this reason.

By understanding and adopting these global technology trends, your business can stay ahead of the competition and meet the evolving needs of consumers. Automation, IoT, AI, cloud kitchens, and mobile ordering and payment systems are not just buzzwords; they are becoming commercial realities and will transform the expectations of customers and businesses alike as time goes on. Embrace these trends, and you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the dynamic F&B landscape.

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Whether you’re eager to harness the power of ERP for your enterprise in Dubai or any other part of the Middle East, seeking tailored advice to select the ideal solution, or requiring hands-on support throughout the implementation process, our dedicated team is here to support you at every turn. Reach out to us today, and let’s propel your business towards success together.


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“Think Tribe is one of Rivoli’s trusted strategic technology partners, and we highly recommend Think Tribe to any organization that are considering to implement Microsoft D365 ERP and LS Central. Their team members are extremely knowledgeable, and we couldn’t be happier about the stellar support that Think Tribe continues to provide.

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